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Grants in Gear – 2016 Program Announcement

The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) has partnered with Scout Environmental (formerly Summerhill Impact) to offer granting initiative, Grants in Gear, for a third year. The nation-wide program will provide funding worth up to $100,000 to Canadian environmental non-profit and entrepreneurial groups and municipal/regional governmental bodies.

To date, Grants in Gear has funded eight organizations across Canada working to achieve measurable impact for the environment through their winning ideas. ARC is excited to extend this opportunity to four more organizations whose project ideas seek tangible results in emissions reduction or pollution prevention in the transportation sector or automotive recycling or reuse excellence.

We welcome eligible organizations of all sizes who seek to make a positive environmental impact on the automotive industry. This year, ARC will disburse up to four grants worth a maximum of $25,000 each with one grant being offered as an optional legacy grant. This will allow previous winners to apply for additional funding to increase the capacity of their existing program.

Applications will be accepted from March 25 to May 6, 2016. For more information or to download an application form, please visit HERE.


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